Religious Affairs Takes Hajj Registration to Digital Platform

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Jakarta - The Ministry of Religious Affairs services directorate announced on its official website on Thursday that it is preparing to launch an online Hajj registration system.

“We prepared two innovations to ease Indonesian hajj pilgrims in registering for the hajj pilgrimage, both online and mobile,” said the ministry’s domestic hajj services director, Muhajirin Yanis in the website on Thursday.

Prior to introducing this ‘innovation’ in public services, the ministry only served five pilgrims per day due to the manual registration system added by the current pandemic condition even though the ministry had already imposed an online payment system since two years ago.

The Religious Affairs Ministry introduced the registration process that is overseen by Law No.8/2019 which utilizes the mobile services that will be spread across a number of locations according to each Religious Affairs branch offices.

“The registration process can be done anywhere. It is already digital-based,” said Muhajirin.

