Online registration for Hajj pilgrims from 58 countries is now available

Monday, February 13, 2023

Saudi Arabia has unveiled an e-platform to assist the entrance of Muslim pilgrims from 58 countries for this year’s Hajj, according to local media.

As part of the kingdom’s early attempts to ease procedures for the 2017 Hajj season, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced the establishment of the website for pilgrims from Europe, the Americas, and Australia.

The government announced that those pilgrims might register through the portal beginning Wednesday.

According to the ministry, the new facility allows pilgrims from these countries to apply, make bookings, and make e-payments, as well as select packages of Hajj-related services such as housing, catering, flights, guiding, and transportation.

France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Greece, Georgia, Switzerland, Cyprus, Denmark, Venezuela, Ukraine, Norway, Trinidad and Tobago, Finland, Colombia, Ireland, Romania, Croatia, New Zealand, Serbia, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Panama, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Cuba, Guatemala, Uruguay, and Nicaragua are among the countries covered by the platform.

Registration started

Saudi Arabia started registration for Muslims residing within the kingdom to enroll for this year’s Hajj ceremonies last month.

Saudi authorities have stated that there will be no restrictions on the number of pilgrims from around the world for the 2018 Hajj season, reversing previous restrictions imposed in the previous two years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Saudi Arabia has reduced the number of Muslims permitted to conduct the Hajj ceremonies in the last two years in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19. In the pre-pandemic era, approximately 2.5 million Muslims would perform Hajj each year.

Muslims who are physically and financially capable of performing Hajj must do so at least once in their lifetime.

